Articles, Certificates and Tributes

Remembering Daniel


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Newspaper article, Daniel's Pre-School - Daniel, Michelle and friends mail letters to Santa

Newspaper article, Daniel's Pre-School

Newspaper article, Daniel's Pre-School

Daniel's Varsity Letter for the Bishop Amat High School's Swim Team 2004 and 2005. CIF (State Finals) patch for qualifying in the 2004 Swimming Championships

Bishop Amat High School 2004 Varsity Swim Team's Most Improved Award, Daniel J. Scott II

Daniel's Varsity Letter Certificate from Bishop Amat High School's Swim Team. Daniel Lettered in 2004 and 2005 (his Junior and Senior year)

Daniel's Diploma from Bishop Amat Memorial High School, Class of 2005

Holy Card for Daniel's funeral

In Memoriam Certificate in honor of Daniel, presented by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Office

Adjourn in Memory of Daniel J. Scott II Certificate - State of California Assembly

Tribute to Daniel written by Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff Todd Megerle in the Sheriff's Star News

In Honor and Memory of Daniel by Santa Monica Rape Treatment Center,
Santa Monica, California

Article: The Signal Newspaper, Santa Clarita, California. Sheriff's Chilli Cook-Off booth dedicated to Daniel

Certificate and Photo: Tree planted in honor of Daniel in Burbank, California

Daniel's Memorial Brick, Atascadero War Mermorial, Atascadero, California

Daniel & Landy's Bricks of Honor, Cambria American Legion POST 432 Mermorial,
Cambria, California

Los Angeles Sheriff's Department's American Flag Tribute for Daniel


The Compassionate Friends
“Supporting Family After a Child Dies.”
